Promo Film - Aura Films

Interview in The Countryman's Weekly Magazine
Jess's interview for The Countrymans Weekly magazine including some new recipes
Interview guest for 'on the sofa' with Lesley Dolphin - Radio Suffolk (25/10/18)

Lesley Dolphin - Radio Suffolk (25/10/18)

'On the sofa' interview with Radio Suffolk's Lesley Dolphin about winning the Best Chef award, Suffolk, her business and all things food and her plans for the future.
Wins 'Best Chef regularly cooking Game' at Eat Game Awards (11/10/18)

Jess wins the title of 'Best Chef regularly cooking Game' at the first annual Eat Game Awards! Its a national competition focusing around game. The awards dinner was held in Boisdale Canary Wharf with presenters such as William Sitwell, Mark Hix and Adam Henson. Other Chefs nominated in Jess' category included Richard Corrigan, Tom Kitchin and Tom Aitkins.

Wins 'Young Chef of the Year' (01/06/17)
At the Suffolk Food & Drink Awards Jess won the title of 'Young Chef of the Year' after a tough cook off final! She was featured in several pieces on the awards, when nominated and again when winning, in the EADT and Suffolk magazine (as the primary sponsors of the event).
Speaking on Lesley Dolphins show - Radio Suffolk (21/05/13)

Lesley Dolphin - Radio Suffolk (21/05/13)

Talking with Radio Suffolk's Lesley Dolphin about selling her food at the upcoming Flavours of Suffolk on 8th and 9th June, her 'Bushtucker Trials' demonstrations for kids in the cookery den and the new courses at Assington Mill.
Squirrel Pasties on CBBC's Incredible Edibles (20/03/13)
Jess and her Dad Gary feature on CBBC's food show Incredible Edibles with Stefan Gates. Gary takes Stefan out to catch a squirrel, they then take it home to Jess so she and Stefan can turn it into a tasty pasty!
Interview in the EADT (16/08/18)
Jess' interview with EADT after winning Best Chef at the Eat Game Awards, includes a recipe.
Read it on the EADT website
Interview in the Mail on Sunday (08/11/14)
Jess' interview in the Mail on Sunday on the 8th November 2014.

Interview in EADT's Suffolk Magazine (01/07/13)
Jess' interview in July 2013's edition of East Anglia Daily Times' Suffolk magazine. A three page interview complete with a professional photo-shoot and recipes.
Click the cover to read the article.

Interview in the Evening Gazette (05/09/13)
Jess' interview in September 5th's issue of the Evening Gazette. The cover story of their 'Taste' food section complete with photos and delicious recipes.